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Experienced & Affordable Chicago Child Support Lawyers

Our experienced and affordable Chicago child support lawyers start, calculate, modify and end child support in Chicago. We ensure expenses are correct and include factors such as college expenses to ensure fair terms. Contact us today for a free Chicago consultation to learn how we can quickly handle your child support matter.

Child Support Lawyers in Chicago

Affordable Chicago Child support lawyers, Affordable Child Support Lawyers in Chicago

The Chicago child support attorneys at Serritella Law know that every family matter has an impact on all the parties involved, particularly those involving children. We delicately handle your child support and family matters to ensure your rights are protected.

We help you quickly file, negotiate, calculate, update and implement child support payments quickly, efficiently and affordably in Chicago.

Contact our experienced and affordable Chicago child support lawyers to help you quickly establish, modify or end child support and efficiently handle your child support and college expense matters in Chicago to help them come to a successful resolution.

Starting a Child Support Matter in Chicago

Delaying the start of your child support also delays the monetary payments to provide for your children. You shouldn't wait to File or child support in Chicago, we quickly initiate your child support matter to help you quickly get the support you need for your child.

If you're about to have a child and you're unmarried and seeking child support, you may need to have a paternity test before Chicago child support courts award child support.

It's important to begin these matters quickly due to the time it takes to establish paternity and negotiate child support payments.

These Paternity legal matters can be a stressful time for all parties involved and our Chicago paternity lawyers help you begin, respond, and defend paternity matters in Chicago and throughout Cook County that will protect your rights and the rights of your children.

Responding to a Child Support Claim in Chicago

New Illinois child support laws now factor both parents income into child support calculations, these calculations equally distribute payment obligations more fairly for low-income households. Contact our Chicago child support lawyers for a free consultation to learn your options and understand what to expect during your child support matter.

Chicago Child support lawyers, Child Support Lawyers in Chicago

If you've received an order to appear in court for child support, you need to prepare quickly to respond and understand what potential obligations to expect.

Our experienced & affordable Chicago child support lawyers work with you to get the facts and accurately calculate child support payments that will help prepare you for your Chicago child custody matter.

Modifying & Updating Child Support Payments in Chicago

Many people have either lost their primary sources of income or have become underemployed. If you've had a substantial change in income, it's very likely that your Chicago child support payments will be recalculated to reflect your new income.

If you've experienced a change in income and want to learn how you can modify your child support payment, contact our Chicago child support lawyers for a free consultation to learn how we can help you.

Free Chicago Child Support Consultations

Contact our experienced and affordable Chicago child support lawyers at 708-299-5827 or email us today for a free paternity or child support consultation on your family legal matter. We're affordable, efficient and fight for you and your family's rights while ensuring the best possible outcome for your child support matter.

Affordable Chicago Child Support Lawyers
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Affordable Chicago Child Support Lawyers

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